Balancing organismic self-regulation system


The orgasmic self-regulation system, defined in Gestalt therapy, is our natural capability of creative adjustment based on our moment to moment needs. For example when our body needs water, we feel thirsty; hence we take in water in our body. We are naturally equipped with the same regulation system in our mental system and the relationship between the physical and mental spheres. In other words, we know the best choice for us when our organismic self-regulation system is healthily working.

However we also have various conscious/unconscious “should/shouldn’t” rules within ourselves, which were acquired without spontaneous assessment whether or not we really need to keep them. The blindly swallowed rules restrict our natural expression of the energy of our needs and disturb the organismic self-regulation system. As an example “I should be likable, I should be social, I shouldn’t be embarrassed, I shouldn’t be rude, I should be positive and constructive,” and so on. We have usually learned these rules from social environmental factors including parents, education, peers, and media that we have been surrounded by. Assessment of should/shouldn’t rules, which each one of us has, helps us be aware of which rules are helping us and which rules are disturbing us. 

We aim to balance out our self-regulation system, which leads us to the expression of our powerful spontaneous healing ability.